Saturday, January 9, 2010

bye bye bink

We said good bye, and haven't looked back.

She is still in the grieving process.
Often showing signs of denial, asking where the bink is and when its coming home.

Sorry bink, you are dead to us. You are never coming home.


Becca said...

cam has gone 5 days without his and he never asks! we are so proud. and he has been sleeping in a big boy bed (I know Lily has been doing this for a long time). Now if I could just tackle the potty.

Jake, Sara & Miley said...

Oh your little Lily is so cute! Good luck with saying good bye to the bink. Loving your new blog banner too... aren't you creative?! :)

Emily said...

I took Brooklyn's bink away a few months ago - she was only using it to go to sleep anyhow. She cried the first two times then was over it. Now I just have to keep Liam's away from her. But she knows she isn't supposed to have it, if she finds one lying around and picks it up she tries to put it in his mouth, haha.