For a while I have been praying, asking what I can do to be the mother my children need and deserve.
Every time I felt the answer:
Simplify, involve and routine.
-TV is gone. Forever, like, its on craigslist. Dont get me wrong, we were no movie junkies but 2 hours a day of just blah is precious time we could be using for learning ABC (which she now knows!)
-donated a lot of just 'crap toys' as I call them, stuff that never gets played with or just cause drama when friends come over
-reorganized rooms to be play and learning focused
I have started involving Lily with everything I do. She helps:
stir the curry and adds the flour to cookies, she holds the dust pan for me, rocks and talks to 'bebe', she puts the clothes in the washer, she hands me stuff out of the dishwasher, she even helps put my make up on (powder, no eyeliner yet:) ). She loves it. Things typically take a lot longer to do than normal but it is so worth it.
Now we just need to work on routine:
go run
park/run errands
Following these prompting has made me feel so charged, and empowered as a mom.
I am becoming the person I want to be and I love it.
is there a "like" button somewhere on this website? And I agree, you can never have too many photos.
I think you are on the right track. Looking back I wish I hadn't let Andrew watch so much TV and play on the computer. I keep threatening to turn off the TV but just haven't taken the leap. Good job, you are an awesome mom, your mom (Lara), is so proud of you!!!
nice job, you're doing great!
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