Guess what happened today?
The sun came out.
and it was splendid.
Some of our new awesome amigos joined us for an adventure feeding ducks and running.

You really should have seen Megan though, she had the front pack, back pack and a kid to hold hands with.
We basically looked like the circus came to town.

My Lily-goat, lover of pockets.

Probably the sweetest thing to ever happen to me is this girl.

we were planning on going to the play ground but decided to explore some trails in the woods. Better decision by far in my book. It was magical.

Eden, obviously, enjoying life.

the end.
ps- Thanks Megan for the pictures. You rock.
Aahh, I really miss those beautiful Oregon days. Eden has such beautiful eyes! We'll have to get together someday :-)
wasn't it beautiful?! today looks even better:) okay, how do you get all those pictures of the 3 of you? do you have paparazzi following you around all day?:)
That last picture of Eden smiling from ear to ear is adorable. What a happy baby.
What adorable pictures! I love the one with you, Lily on top and Eden in the front.. so cute
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