Tuesday, March 30, 2010

back to real life.

You sick of Hawai'i pictures? Sorry if you are. These are the last ones...probably.
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Like I said, we loved the shaved ice. We got three each on the last day. This one was my favorite combo= coconut, sour pineapple and raspberry. With macadamia nut ice cream on the bottom of course. Trust me.
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This picture is from our second trip down the paved path. I can't get over those colors. And the warmth that was felt there.
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I also can not get over this girl. Oh how she loves shoving everything in her mouth. Obviously it makes her happy:)

Today was the first day back to "real life". Chad was gone A L L day. It poured A L L day. I ran errands, cleaned up some of our un-packing disaster, listened to Lily's new Charolette Diamond CD (Go here, I wanna be a dog is a favorite) at least 6 times in a row and ran in circles to it, and read "good night moon" close to a thousand times. It was a good day.

Tomorrow will involve more playing though.

Yay for Monday being (almost) over!

1 comment:

Emily said...

I adore that picture of Eden! Liam is at that age too where his smile just lights up his whole face.