Tuesday, March 2, 2010


(laundry pile and toys)

This morning I woke up puking.
Soooooooo not fun.
Think it was something i ate, (not the mommy-flu, i know what you are thinking)
there really isn't anything much worse than being super nauseated. Anytime this happens I think of the women in my family that are like this for nine whole months (jess, my mom, becky...) and my mom when she was on chemo and I feel really sorry for them.

Thankfully I think I got out of my system what ever was being unkind to me,

and most thankfully, Chad's mom is here.

I swear that woman is so inspired. She not only called and asked if she could come down and play (help me) with the girls, but the night she got here, I got sick.

So indeed, while i lay in bed trying to sleep and keep blue Gatorade down, she plays with the girls and cleans up and does laundry.

Yay for mother-in-laws!

1 comment:

Janice said...

you poor thing. I'm not that far if you ever need anything ever again! really, I mean that!