Thursday, April 15, 2010

freedom of speech

On the way home from the bank today, I saw there was a protest/rally at the capitol building.
Oh how I love a good protest!
(almost as much as samples at Costco)
So we turned the Subaru around and the two ladies and I were on a freedom of speech adventure!
I had no idea what it was all about, but while walking towards the capitol, the country music and American flag leather jackets gave it alllll away.
I loved hearing everyone all in a "hissy" over silly things.
I love crazy people in general. More specifically, crazy people that make signs out of pizza boxes.
I kept looking for free candy or food, but alas, none, LAME.
It worked out great because Chad, in fact, works AT the capitol.
So he was able to sneak out for a few short minutes and and enjoy the beautiful weather, beautiful grounds and talk politics with me.
He and I share the same political views:
not quite republican, not fully democrat.

Either way, we make cute babies.

God bless America!

(pictures, taken by my beloved iphone)


Emily said...

I see a table set up there for Allen Alley, Chris did his website :-)

kaitlyn said...

hooray for independents. thinking for yourself and voting on issues and people and not along party lines.

ps i think what you saw was a tea party. but not the kind with crumpets and earl grey.

A little Birdie... said...

your phone takes killer pictures. Jealous....

Jeff, Traci and Kaden said...

Haha! I had to read your last part out loud to Jeff. "Either way, we make good babies." Thanks for the laugh :D

Carly said...

thats how we are politically too haha there are too many issues to take a blanket approach to them all :P
anywho... fun pics :) we ran down to the park tonight for the tea party there, just to see what the fuss was about. :)

Megan Marie said...

that thing takes sweet pics. :)