Its that time of year when Willamette University steals my husband.
Which tends to mean for me, survival mode.

Did go running with the girls this morning, still haven't showered or gotten ready (its almost 2pm).
I am tired.
And I really want some cookies.
But all is well, this is the LAST finals week(s) we have to deal with possibly ever. And to make my self happy I make a mental list of all the things to look forward to:
- this summer and all the back yard parties we will have
- Chad graduating (and me, I deserve to celebrate surviving these past two years!)
- the graduation cake I am making Chad
- our families coming down
- potty training
- watching Eden crawl around our grass, probably naked
- tan lines
- evenings with out homework involved
- bike rides
- spraying Lily with the hose
It's so nice to know that there is an end in sight. I totally relate about going into survival mode, I have to do that too when Marcus has a deadline at work. Does Chad have any jobs lined up for when he graduates?
Yeah for yard parties, hose playing and grass crawling. So fun for you guys...and the light at the end of the tunnel is almost here!!! Is it blinding yet?! Hang in there for a little while longer and then enjoy the party!
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