Monday, April 26, 2010

rach in real life

Do you ever get caught up in a downward cyclone?

Last night Lily's teeth were not brushed, or this morning.
And the past week, she has worn her glasses way less than supposed to.
And she went to bed too late.
And today I said: "Chad, can you deal with her? I am done, sick of her." right in front of her. She may not have understood what I said, but she probably felt what I meant.

All this added up to me getting all choked up and coming to the conclusion that I am a bad mom.
And if I am a bad mom, then what do I have left? My life IS being a mom. Its what I DO. Its what I think about, pray about, talk about, blog about, I mean its part of me, and actually in this season of life, basically all of me. So therefore, by me being a bad mom, I am bad at life. And then all of a sudden I am fat, I am ugly, and I am bad at life.

This downward cycle thinking happens. It happens when I am tired, passive, or loose my patience, or am just, lets be honest, lazy.

And then I remember that tomorrow is a new day.
Tomorrow Lily will have teeth brushed morning AND night. I will be a glasses nazi, and we will have a Lily day tomorrow.
Thank goodness for tomorrow.


Carly said...

thanks for this post, seriously, i needed it. :)
its wonderful how forgiving and resilient our kids are. sometimes i think they are teaching us way more than we are teaching them, and just like you said tomorrow is a new day.
loving lily's glasses, btw!

Tif said...

I'm pretty sure I could have written this post, Rach. Scharae "was sent" to Nana's Saturday night because things were that intense with her and I was doing that badly at being a good mommy! But, like you say, tomorrow is another day!

Becca said...

I know how you feel! I had one of those yesterday. I just have to remind myself when I am "in the moment" to let it go, because in the realm of things, does it really matter that Camden threw his books on the floor? No, probably not. Mine's bad when I don't get enough sleep...

Vashti said...

Thank you for writing this! I think it is all to easy to get caught up in that downward cycle. It is nice to know that tomorrow IS a new day and we can change the pattern.
Sometimes just having some "rach" time to yourself can help a TON! I know Chad is crazy busy with school, but I always feel recharged when I can get away myself, even for some late night grocery shopping ;)

Jennifer Miller said...

Amen Sista!

Toyke said...

Wow.....Don't be offended, but that sounded like a PMS moment. A bad day. I am chuckling at this more because Meres is going thru the same. A bad day doesn't come out and say all those things...even tho you feel them. Thats when its nice to have a mate/spouse to take over so you can have a breather. Kids are always going to test how far they can go....young and old.
So on to the next day and keep up the great job your doing

Jeremy Saunders said...

I have said that before in front of my child, and he was 7. They do forgive and forget so very fast, like within seconds. I also say it a lot about my 15 year old behind his back. Parenting is hard, but I guess in the end, totally worth it. I have also told my kids that I was tired and that was why I was short with them, and they understood that very well.
Hang in there, you are a great mom.

Andrea said...

Kids are quite the testers, aren't they!?
I think the fact that your kids are "your life" says that you are anything but a bad mom. Take a moment for yourself or a date with your husband...those two things always seem to help me.
You are a fantastic woman!

Joy Elizabeth Jackson said...

I know how you feel. Zack kept asking me to take his shoes off, then back on, then off, then get the picture. So when I refused, he went to Todd and was having him put them back on and I just screamed "NO!! NO MORE OF THIS! THEY STAY OFF!!" It freaked Zack out and he started crying with big tears going down his cheeks. I about died. I had to go to the bathroom and cry for a minute because I felt so horrible.

You are a great mom. You are NOT fat. You are NOT ugly. I love you!

I think I missed why Lily wears glasses. Why? And I just give Zack a toothbrush and let him chew on it for a little bit. You're blowing me out of the water with this mom stuff!

Erin_C said...

how about and I've said that to my 8 month old. much, much worse, I'd say. its obvious your girls are lucky to have you. you devout your life and love to them and that is all they need.

ps. i know what you mean about the "downward cyclone" or whatever you called it. but you are not fat or ugly! i think you are fabulous :)

Jessica Kettle said...

no. i have never felt like that, i smile and laugh all day every day, my child always says please and thank you and never wipes boogers on my arm or pretends to shoot me, if my kid wore glasses, he would wear them even in the shower, i am a perfect mom all the time.

HA! glad to know we're all in it together yo. you're for SURE not the only one!

here is that link, i am totally in love.

Jessica Kettle said...

oh. and i brush and floss max's teeth morning, night, and after each meal.



Southern Belle said...

I have felt like this the last couple of days because I keep feeding Cheyenne unhealthy food! Tonight we went out for wings and there was nothing healthy there! I am pretty sure her dinner was like 3 french fries, some of a VERY greasy fried chicken strip, and like 3 glasses of pink lemonade. At one point I was pretty sure she was going to throw up. After I put her to bed I couldn't stop thinking about it, and then I started to think about what she has been eating the last few days and I am hoping I don't give my poor child diabetes! Then I started feeling like a sucky mom because my only job is to feed her and keep the house clean and my house is always messy and now I can't even feed her right!!! hahah... I know exactly how you feel! Being a mom is not as easy job as it sounds or even as easy as we sometimes think it is. I always read your blog and think what a great mom you are and wish I could be more like you!!!

Brittany said...

My child hits me. allllll dayyyy longggggg! I really should read your post in the morning. I might have a different attitude. haha. Being a mom is hard. All I can say is I am in need of a Vacation!!!! Good luck with the teeth. Owen just sucks the toothpaste off. haha. great.