Saturday, June 19, 2010

truth for the soul

Before my mom died, she told me not to go to her grave and be sad. Its not where she was. Her body may be there, but she would be in heaven, watching us, and I am sure, being very busy.
Before we left we made a quick stop by the grave site.
This was the first time I had ever been with just "my" little family. It was a short and sweet moment.
I miss my mom.
I am excited to see her again, and I am so grateful that I know our family is forever.

The back of the head stone was taken from a talk she gave at church:

"My parents taught me many important lessons and one of them was "Don't wait to happy until the next phase of life- find joy and happiness now!" I have enjoyed life at every stage:
  • I enjoyed being a kid and I enjoyed being a youth
  • I enjoyed being a young married person with just Mark and me
  • I have enjoyed so much being a young mother

I have no fear of passing on whenever that might be. I have a testimony of the plan of salvation and the power of the priesthood that sealed me to my family for all eternity."

Every time I read this, it rings more and more true to my soul.


Jeremy Saunders said...

i wish i had known your mom. she sounds like an incredible lady!
Look at her fruits!!
ps oh ya,since you left, we have had lots of thanks for taking the rain with ya!

Joy Elizabeth Jackson said...

You are such an AMAZING person, Rach! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE you! And I agree with Jeremy, your mom sounds so awesome. You will have to introduce us in the kingdom. :)

And I thought that baby doll in the last post was a real baby at first. Freaked me out a little.

Love and miss you and want to see you S-O-O-N or I might just crawl in a hole and cry for a year. Wish I could just reach through this stupid computer and squeeze Eden's cheeks.

Janice said...

you've learned well from your mother. I hope I've had as much of an influence for good on my children as your mom did on you and as you have on your own little cuties!

JD said...

I am fortunate to have known your mom. She had lots of good advice for me. I was pregnant with my oldest when she was in her final days. She impacted so many lives while she was here on this earth. You are so lucky to have her as your mom. I know she is keeping a close eye on you, Jen and Scott. I know she is watching over you and your little family. We are so lucky to be members of our church and know we will see our loved ones again.

Hugs and Loves,
Janice Draper

JD said...

Hey, I was wondering, do you have a copy of your mom's talk? I would like to read it again.

Megan Marie said...
