Thursday, February 24, 2011


I woke up this morning and first thing on my mind was: RED.VELVET.CAKE. 
The one in my fridge to be exact.
Chad knew that. I found a note on top of that cake and which ignited a scavenger hunt. Pretty soon a friend was knocking on the door to watch the girls and I was off on my hunt.
 I was lead to several different parks and trails and then finally was lead to Zada Janes.
 This crazy-eyed stud was waiting for me and we ate the best breakfast ever. 
And that's my I'm-so-full-I-might-die face, incase you couldn't tell.
My french toast, fugettaboutit. Seriously changed my life.

Then topped it off with a very successful trip to my beloved Value Village, and a craft store.
Now off to bed early.
MY kind of birthday!

25 is going to be a good year, I can feel it in my quarter-of-century-year-old bones.


Tif said...

Happy Birthday! What a fun thing for Chad to put together for you!

Southern Belle said...

I think 25 is the perfect age!! What a cute present from your husband!

aswigfromthesiggs said...

That french toast seriously is the best! Elle and I shared some one day. What a fun way to wake up on your 25th. Happy Birthday again! You are loved!

Diana Smith said...

what an awesome day! yay for turning 25! He is such a sweet guy for doing that for you! I loved the post from earlier, you are so pretty!

The Smith Circle

Megan Marie said...

LOVE LOVE. awesome!

Jeremy Saunders said...

man Jeremy needs to take some lessons! I can't believe how much older I am than you! You youngin! Happy Birthday, and now I am craving red velvet cake--even though I have never had it before. Do you have a recipe?

sarah said...

I can't believe you're only 25! Oh, to be young again! Happy birthday!

Tatiana said...

Happy Birthday! Hope you had a fantastic one!

Ginnie said...

Happy Birthday!

Unknown said...

Happy Bday Rach. I love red velvet cake! Yum! Miss you!

Haley said...

Chad Rocks. And SO DOES THE BIRTHDAY GIRL! :) Glad you had such a great day!! Love the scavenger hunt velvet, walking on trails, and topping it off with epic french toast...perfect :) Hope 25 is the best year of your life so far!!

Kristine said...

I hope you had an awesome birthday. Your posts make me so happy. You guys are the cutest couple EVER (and you make adorable babies, too!).

Vashti said...

Sounds like a totally magical birthday! I am glad that it rocked!!

Holly said...

Happy Belated Birthday!