Wednesday, February 16, 2011

roasted vegs + sunshine

So the sun and a few friends came over today.
It was just about perfect.
We ate...a LOT. Talked and played and laughed and sat outside in spring-sneak-peek sunshine for a few hours.
Like I said, just about perfect.
I made some roasted veggies that were scrumptious. You should try them!
Heres what I did:

Dump all this into a 9x13:
  • peeled and chopped 6 or so carrots, roughly.
  • three red potatoes, chopped, skin on.
  •  a few handfuls of brussel sprouts (dont be scurd) remove stem, then chop in half
  • one onion, diced
  • Olive oil, enough to coat it all, pour about 2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar over, along with salt and pepper, parsley, garlic, and any other seasonings you fancy (I fancy GREEK!!)
  • stir that around so its all coated evenly, and bake at 400 for about 30-45 minutes.
  • I heart feta cheese on top.
    Try it, it may smell like a big fart at first, but really, it's way good.

    1 comment:

    Haley said...

    yumm! my favorite snack lately has been to throw zucchini and yellow squash on the george foreman :) ...but your plethora of veggies and feta sounds GOOD!