Tuesday, March 22, 2011


My sweet Chad brought me home flowers today.
I love them not only because they are so beautiful and perfect,
but because he rode his bike as fast as he could to the tiny little local flower shop on his way home from work, and it was closed. The florist was getting into her car and he all sweaty and out of breath begged her out of her car because he wanted to get flowers for his wife. Then, he rode his bike the rest of the way home holding a bouquet of flours wrapped in brown paper.

Some times I think I don't deserve him. 


Candace said...

That's so sweet of your husband! Beautiful flowers too! :)

Celeste said...

Gorg. Maybe when Chad & Matt are friends, he could tell him about getting flowers from places that aren't Costco. I don't think he knows about that.
Man I'm a brat.

team cowan said...

When Zach and I were first married I told him that he didn't need to waste money on something like flowers. But over the years, I've regretted ever saying that. And the man never forgets. ;)
I bet it brightened everyone's day that saw him with those flowers on the bike. That's a great image.

Jeremy Saunders said...

Of course you deserve him! Go Chad!

Mallory Renee said...

There needs to be a "Like" button on Blogspot :)

Brandon and Jennifer said...

THAT is soooo sweet. What a lucky girl you are!

Tatiana said...

SO cute!

k said...

oh my gosh that is too sweet!! I bet that made her day too :)

Emma said...

Very sweet :).

Anonymous said...

that is the cutest. I would love to see a man riding a bike holding a bouquet of flowers. And, you DEFINITELY deserve it! Love you. 3 WEEKS!!! :)

Megan Marie said...

i adore.

Haley said...

oh you guys are perfect for each other :) brown paper wrapped bouquets of gorgeous wild flowers...perfect <3