Sunday, March 20, 2011

out west

I officially just booked our flights (me and the two crazy girls...heaven help me flying solo again) to the land of milk and honey. My sister is getting married! Next month! Not just married, but getting married to a great guy. I am so beyond excited for this trip. I literally talk about it daily.
We haven't seen the fam in quite some time and its going to awesome. And fun. And crazy. And I don't expect to sleep much. And I expect my girls to be totally out of whack for weeks after. And I expect the flights to be insane. 


Sarah said...

Congrats to your sister! Weddings are exciting (and crazy). Good luck with your flight. You are braver than I am.

Diana Smith said...

yay you are coming to utah!! We should hang out haha but I am sure you will be busy with wedding stuff! You are soooo brave for flying with 2 little ones! Good luck!

Becca said...

Yay! Go home! Have fun!! Enjoy it. Don't worry about schedules! Deal with it when you get back! :)

Celeste said...

K I'm not so nice as that Diana lady, I'm certain you'll be busy with wedding stuff, but I still insist that we hang out! Yay!!! Traveling with two isn't as tough as I imagined it would be, so just imagine terrible things and it'll seem a-ok. Actually Abram pooped through his entire outfit just as I was taking him out of his car seat to go through security, but people are very very nice & like to help mommas with sweet babies. You'll be fine.

Megan Marie said...

woooooooooo! congrats, big sis!

Janell said...

YAY!!! Can you believe it's so soon?! I'm so excited to see everyone!

whitney said...

how fun! there is NOTHING like the great feeling of anticipation for a fun vacay!
hope you have a fabulous time and may the force be with you for the flight. xoxo

Unknown said...

OOooo FUN! I live in Ogden! it will be cool knowing your close.