Tuesday, May 24, 2011

typical tuesday: Cali Stoddard

Happy Tuesday! Here we have Cali sharing with us what a typical tuesday is for her. Cali and I have never met, but I think if we lived close we would hang out (weirdsies? sorry Cali). She is beautiful and takes beautiful pictures, has a loving husband and two adorable girls. I loved her posts about her morning routines and how they have effected her whole life, it really has inspired me (thank you!). Anyways, here she is!:

My Tuesdays are just like any other day,
but learning to take pictures of the little things in life
has taught me to be grateful, and remember the blessings I have.
So, even though life at home with little ones can be hard,
I love my life. 
Mundane tasks and all.

My day starts at 7:00.
My husband finishes his morning run,
and wakes me up to begin mine.
Today's run was just over 4 miles.
I've grown to love my morning runs.
When I come back from my run,
Bryan usually has the kids up to the table eating cereal.
Then, while he get's ready for the day I check my e-mail, facebook, etc while the kids finish eating.
 I usually make Bry a lunch..
and since I needed the car today,
 we packed up the girls and drove Daddy to work.
When we get back home I let the girls watch a show,
while I whip up a green smoothie, shower, and get ready for the day.
I start the laundry,
and find Monkey #2 in the bathroom, again.
 I get the kids ready for the day now,
then overhaul the kitchen.
My girls love Tuesday mornings here.
There is an indoor skating rink that has been doing a "Mom and Toddler" morning at the rink.
It's a bunch of crazy toddlers skating, riding bikes, and running all over.
My sister and her kids go too.. and all the kids love it.
Next up, feeding the kids lunch.
Apparently, we can't eat lunch without the red shoes RIGHT next to us today.
After lunch is one of the nicer times of the day;  quit time/nap time...
but it doesn't last long for Addie--
so we do puzzles instead.
Claire get's up,
and Addie insists on getting in her crib with her to jump around like usual.
After nap time, 
we made some rice krispie treats for Addie to share with her cousins...
and then we headed to my sister's house to work on a couple projects.
It's raining. Again.
Emily and I cooked up some things for upcoming posts
on our Bits of Everything blog that we do with our sisters.
And then the girls and I head back home to move over the laundry.
And... it wouldn't be a good representation of my day 
unless I showed at least one of the many tearful moments during our day...
(I don't always have the girls wear the same color, it just sort of happened today)

I eventually pack the kids back up,
and head to get Bryan from work.
Tonights dinner menu,
fish, rice and veggies.
The kids ate good- so it was a success.
Bath time!
My husband usually does bath time,
and plays on his ipod while the girls play in the water.
I enjoy the quiet moment and clean up the trail of toys they left behind.
As soon as the babies are in bed,
I enjoy the only night of tv I watch... the Biggest Loser.
I absolutely love that show.
My husband's not such a fan, 
so he works on the kitchen table project.

After the show, 
I do computer stuff again...
And then we head to bed,
knowing that tomorrow, 
we do it all again.

Thanks Cali for sharing with us your day!
check out Cali's great blog HERE.

You wanna share a typical tuesday with us? Just email me k?


Unknown said...

No way! How do you know Cali? Her and my sister were friends back in Provo. And I agree, her pictures are gorgeous and her girls are adorable too! Just like yours :) Oh what a small world....

Anonymous said...

holy snap, how cute is she!? love this post and her beautiful girls...the youngest ones rolls are just divine. darling darling post. and those pictures, the lighting - amazing. thanks for sharing! so stinkin cute.

Robyn said...

"By small and simple things shall great things be brought to pass" There are so many small and simple things we do throughout the day that may seem "small" but they lay a great foundation. I love Cali's photography!