Hello tuesday-ers. Today my friend from Oregon is sharing a Tuesday in her life with us. Jessica is her name. She has three adorable little ones (Jessica, I can not believe Sam is starting kindergarten, what happened?!) a good husband, and like I said, lives in one of my favorite places: Oregon. Take it away Jessica!
Tuesday’s aren’t necessarily typical ever around here. My husband travels a lot for work. But whether he is home or not, my Tuesday’s start out at about the same time:

Honestly, my alarm goes off at 6:00. I just push the snooze….a lot. Once I can convince myself to roll out of bed, I put on my tennis shoes

and go down stairs for a little bit of this:

I do a little cardio for about 20-25 minutes, then a few sit-ups and leg raises. Basically just enough to say I worked out and sweat a little. It isn’t much, but it sure makes a difference in my day.
On my way up to shower I grab a big tall glass of water:

After my shower, I go downstairs to grab breakfast so I can eat in peace:

Cereal, afore mentioned water, and some entertainment. I also tote these down from my room, and pick one to play with while I eat. Today I chose to read. Ahhh, relaxing.
Soon after I finish my breakfast my littlest baby wakes up. I get him up and snuggle him in on his spot on the couch:

Bryce (2 1/2) goes no where without his pillow and his train blanket which he calls his woon. I have no idea where that came from, but I think it’s cute, so I play right along. He sits there for a few minutes, and either watches The Little Einstein's which he insists I turn on…or like today:

He follows me into the kitchen and plays with his trains and cars.
While he is playing, I make my kitchen go from this:

to this:

And as you can see from the stove, I also start making the kids breakfast, which typically EVERY day it is a big bowl of mush.
Some time in all of that Samantha (5 1/2) and Ashley (4) wake up. Sam does her meds (which I forgot to take a picture of, but never you fear, I got one of her doing it before bed), and then it is time for breakfast:

They each have their milk (for Sam it is half and half and chocolate Ensure Plus). She also has her enzymes, antacid, and vitamin D. (More on all that later). I have the kids sit down:

and then I feed them. Yes – that’s right. And yes, I know they are all too old for it. But I love it, and they are all 3 done eating in 10 minutes. This will be something I miss when Sam goes to Kindergarten in a month (a MONTH!).
After breakfast I leave the kids to their own devices for a bit and head upstairs to make my bed:

And I finally do my hair and make-up:

The girls have been in swim lessons for the last couple weeks. My nephew is in them too, but in the session right before the girls. So my SIL drops of her little girl here to play on her way to swim lessons.

After swim I come home and shower the girls and we all have lunch.
And then I load up the kids in the car and take them to the pool. When we get there my SIL takes her kids and Bryce back to my house to get lunch started.
(Not the best close-up, sorry Sam!)
I can’t remember what they ate, but my SIL and I had a yummy salad with grilled chicken strips, pepper jack cheese, and Caesar dressing. (I may have added a bit of salt to my salad). Top that off with a V8 and it was a good lunch!
After lunch my niece and Bryce take a nap and my nephew, Samantha, and Ashley go outside to play. My SIL decides to make some berry syrup:

And I decide to fold clothes:

A bit later it is snack time. Samantha and Ashley have peaches and cookies, and my SIL and I have toast with homemade pear butter:

The the cousins play for a little while longer:

Until it’s time for my SIL to go home. About the same time Bryce wakes up. He is ready to play, but the girls are ready for a break. So they split up. The girls pick Good Luck Charlie:

And Bryce goes outside to play and stare at the stray cats that like to come sit in our yard and stare and the kids:

It’s almost time to make dinner, but remember all that laundry I folded (it was actually 2 big baskets, not just the one, and I may have had another big basket all folded but not yet put away upstairs hiding)? Well, it was time to put it away:

AHHHH, much better!
Then it was time for dinner. Which tonight was Chimichanga’s for me and the husband, and chicken and cheese quesadilla's and a side of olive’s for the kids.

After dinner, Aron went hometeaching and Ashley, Bryce, and I did some more chores:

And Sam did her meds again:

What’s with all the meds you ask? Well, Samantha unfortunately has cystic fibrosis. But, we have known since before we left the hospital when she was born, so we are all well adjusted, and we have been on top of it since she was 2 days old. We have also been very blessed – all of this means she is really healthy. The first picture is her doing her vest treatment (which helps clear her airways of mucous) and her nebulizer (which she uses for 1 medicine in the morning, and 2 in the evening.) The second picture she is getting ready to drink some Miralax to help with “those kind” of issues, also CF related. She is on a chair, because she just did some irrigation (washing out her sinuses. Sinus problems also occur in people with CF pretty regularly). There are more vitamins and meds she takes throughout the day, but most are easily swallowed (she has been swallowing multiple pills at a time for over a year now) and she is a trooper – doing it all with little to no fuss.
Okay, now all that is done and somewhere in there daddy got home. And now for some untypical Tuesday: I am going out! I took my camera but not any pictures – go figure. I went out with my SIL (the same one I just hung out all day with – we have been best friends since we were 10. Lucky us, we married brothers!) and her sister and SIL. We went out for frozen yogurt, and stayed out chitchatting until 11:30pm. Which means I didn’t get in to bed until about 12:00am. Of course my brain was going a million miles a minute, so I sat in bed and read until 12:45am, when I finally turned off the lamp (much to my snoring husband’s delight I am sure) and went to sleep. Whew – goodnight!
Thanks Jessica!
Check out Jessica's blog HERE.
Wanna share a typical tuesday with us? Just email me, k?
1 comment:
What a cute family you have, and aren't cousins the best?! Lucky to have them so close.
This is just a completely random word of advice but be sure to scrub your daughter's teeth after she uses that nebulizer. My close friend's 4 year old and my 5 yr old nephew both got cavities from the medicines in their nebulizers. My poor nephew went to the dentist and didn't have any then used the nebulizer for a while and went back to the dentist and had 10! The medicine dries to their teeth and causes major tooth decay and their drs never told them it was a possibility. So just be sure to scrub her teeth :)
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