Tuesday, October 4, 2011

day one re-cap

Yesterday was day one of: "operation-fat-and-lazy"...or bed rest. 
Lily went to school.
Then Eden and I read books, watched movies, did puzzles, and drove choo-choos on the couch and my bed.
I got up to go pee or grab the pre-made snacks that Chad made the night before in a bunch of separate plastic baggies. Thats it.
(...and I still feel like I ran a marathon.)
This whole being lazy is hard work apparently.
Lily came home from school and a friend came over to help with the girls.
Then Chad came home, and dinner was brought over.

Now, Chad is at work, the girls are at a friends house. And I'm home alone watching old Modern Family episodes and trying to think of other things to distract me.

For the next two weeks we have meals being brought over, the girls being watched, Lily being picked up from school, people coming over to help around the house. 
We are still rather new to the area, we don't know a ton of people, but that didn't matter. Our church congregation and friends have just taken charge and taken care of us. I am blessed.


Haley said...

Oh i read back and saw you're on bedrest! :( I'm so sorry Rach...but I'm glad you and baby are okay. Sounds like you guys are most definitely blessed. wish I was there to bring dinner and Brooks & I could play with your sweet girls. hugs and prayers for you!

The Jensen Family said...

Bed rest is hard!!! Wish I was there to take your girls, bring you new movies and books and clean your house. So glad you have people there who love you too and can do that for you now! Hang in there and hopefully it will go by fast, but boy do I feel your pain...at least it's only 2 weeks...you can do 2 weeks! :)

Anonymous said...

Pinerest! Now that will keep you busy for hours:)