Saturday, December 10, 2011

a name

As you probably know, we are family of nick-names.
  • Chad-Jim, Jimmle, Jiminy (for no apparent reason, I just started calling him that one day)
  • Me-Jan, Janis (same as me, no reason, he just started calling me that)
  • Lily-Fuzz, Fuzzer, Fuzzalumpagus (because she only had fuzz for hair for a looong time)
  • Eden-Schmiegle, Schmeig (because she crawled just like the Lord Of The Rings character)

(picture by Joy Jackson)
and now we have our nick-name for our sweet Maggie:
Why? Because when she cries, she sounds like a Mandrake plant
(You will only understand the name if you are familiar with Harry Potter.)

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