Chad and I combined forces and made dinner together. Its never the same twice.
You can not have chili with out:
{Dare you to invite someone new over, promise it will be fun.}
Lily and Chad then watched some good ol' 'Arry Potta. She actually pays attention for a few minutes now! Big girl.
{PS- its Lily's birthday eve! Can you believe it? A year ago right now I was in labor....23 hours to go last-year-Rachel, its worth it, you can do it!}
I need the recipe for that, it looks really good, and Lily is such a cute girl!
seriously, lils is just so precious. i love the expression on her face when she's watching harry potter
I need your recipe for chili. Brian has been bugging me to get it since we had it last week with you and I keep forgeting to ask you.
Happy Birthday Lily!
dang you Rachel! I always get hungry after I read your blog! AND I CANT COOK LIKE THAT!
We have been really good at inviting people over, it was my new years resolution. We've invited at least one person over every week. It makes you feel like you're really involved in the ward...if that makes sense!
Isn't it crazy how fast they grow! That picture of her conked out on the floor is too cute ;)
I can't believe your Lily is one!! That is just crazy. Hope she had a great first birthday, I'm sure there will be a post about it later. :)
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