Can you even believe that Lily is ONE YEAR OLD? I can't.
We started today off with L O N G nap {she must have known it was her birthday/my celebration?} and then we went over to visit Lily's father and my husband for lunch....and had a chocolate/coconut scone and a black berry italian soda. She loved them, we loved them.
Lily stats:
Taken 3 steps {solo}
dada is everything
feeds her self with a spoon
gives kisses on demand
two naps a day
sticks her tongue out when its cold, windy or rainy
VERY independent
doesn't like to be held for more than a few minutes
mimics what we do ("fold" laundry, dishes, etc...)
SO busy, ALWAYS moving. ALWAYS.
No big celebration? No cake?No dancing and making merry?Me? Come on, don't you know me?
The real party is next weekend. Don't fret, its going to be awesome.
Happy Bday lils!!
Happy Birthday Lily!! Wow, one year! How time flies :)
Happy Birthday, It's crazy how time flies right? I didn't know she had the same B-day as London, even though they are two years apart. Happy Birthday Lily!
I love the pic of your shoes. Oh she is really too cute. No, Michelle's friend's last name is Byron and they have been together since 2nd grade, Michelle feeding Byron. Last season, it was the Michelle show, but now she is back to feeding the strikers--and they are beautiful assists. ONE DAY, she will STRIKE, I eagerly await that day.Really I do!
happy happy birthday lilly dear, happy things will come to you all year! If I had a wish THEN IT would BE
a happy happy birthday to YOU from MEEEEEEEEEEEE!
and max.
and danny.
we totally wish we could be there this weekend to rock wit you. and yes, i said "wit."
in case you were wondering, the word verification (die) on this one was SAGILE. much like......... Satchel?
I'm so jealous of the two naps-Olivia is down to just one and I miss that morning time to myself! Cherish it while it lasts!
Happy happy Birthday!! Riley wanted tro give you a birthday kiss but I told him he had to wait until you were older and maybe fight Issac for you!
Happy Birthday Lily! And Rachel Happy being not pregnant! That calls for a pretty big celebration.
Happy first birthday Lily! She is so, so cute!
Happy Birthday, Lily! What a grown up girl you're getting to be!
Bittersweet, huh, Rach?
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