A happy mother's day indeed.
I sat on the kitchen floor and watched Chad make his morning smoothie and Lily give commands
"what would our lives be like with out her?" I asked Chad,
We both just laughed, cause she was being hilarious, but honestly,
I don't want to know what life would be like with out her.
I believe that being a mother is a divine role to have. I may not act so divine, and am far from perfect but I have divine worth, I have divine potential.
Mothers are blessed with 'intuition' some may call it, but I believe it is a open heart to the whisperings from heaven to know the needs of our children. I would like to believe that my Heavenly Father whispered to me late last night which song to sing when Lily woke up, I like to believe my angle mother whispered to me how to tickle Lily just right to hear her sweet laughter or tell me 'I will never get today back' and to enjoy every little bit of life. I love being a mother.
Happy belated Mother's day, especially to the new mothers like Hannah, Jess, and Kristine, you're going to be amazing.
Oh Rach, I love reading your lovely blog!
I second what Joy said :)
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