We were able to sleep in until 6:40 this morning, if you know anything about Lily, you know this is a big deal.
After a while we got out the door and went to the usual {and favorite} Bush park.
Typically Chad runs with Lils and I walk in solitude, its lovely. Today was different. Chad joined my speed walk and we chatted it up.
Conversation included:
-our kids
-the internship he is interviewing for {as I type! pray!!!}
-fitness goals
-moving to a new apartment in June
-middle school crushes

Here I am, black stretchy pants and my Ranger jacket. From 6th grade. Back then it was quite the status symbol. {for non-Bellinghamites, Rangers is a select soccer team} I totally rocked this to school so it was known I was above average at the game. I look back and laugh. And laugh I still wear it.
My loves.Their scrunchy faces.

After a few sweaty, hilly laps we got to the track, while someone pushed Lily the other did the stadium stairs.
My legs are still shaking, I love it.

We went for comfort and warmth....and what was ever down stairs to dress her this morning.

Chad and Lily 'playing'.
AKA Chad tossing Lily around and her laughing really hard.
Stretching is just as important as the actual work out. Do it.
What a great morning!
Is this the Standard internship? I've been meaning to ask if he'd heard from them yet-John was asking me the other day!
That is a really cute pic of you in your Rangers jacket. I remember you wearing that haha. And Adidas slip on sandals with Champion socks? Oh yeah. Studs!
how on earth do you keep up that pace with pregnancy. you are my hero!
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