Tuesday, February 19, 2008

at the request of Kelsey....

...heres more pictures of Lils... So this is how she now sleeps, we make a nest of blankies, and then heat up the ol' heat pack (the green thing on the bottom) and then shes out!
This is daddy burping Lils, look at this face, I love it! I love the chubster cheeks!
She tends to put her hands in the "I surrender" position when shes sleeping
This is Lily helping Chad study, dont mind our totally trashed bedroom...
On a different note, Chad took the GMAT and did awesome, all his hours and hours of studying, and many prayers paid off! So now its just the game of finishing grad school applications and then wait.
"I hate wait" as the spaniard would say off princess bride....


Kelsey said...

Yeah! Thanks, I can never get enough pictures of a cute baby. Maybe someday I'll get to see her in person.

A little Birdie... said...

Gosh she is beautiful! Even though I see you every day I still love it when you post pictures!

Alli said...

She is so beautiful! She looks like a little baby angel in the top picture...

Carly said...

CONGRATS Chad!!! Shem has yet to take the GMAT... would you mind kicking him in the rear?!! :)

Lily is perfect!!

Janice said...

Congrats to Chad! Lilly is so adorable. so nice to have blogs to check up and see photos!

Ryan, Sheena, and Riley said...

We got the gripe water at Nature's Nook ,it is the health food store in Rexburg. I also saw it at Broulims. It works like a charm!