Thursday, February 28, 2008

I'm bored...

so I decided to tag myself and list some things I'm excited about, in no particular order....

1) Jess, Zach and Janell are coming to visit this weekend! Lily gets to meet her aunts and uncle...pretty awesome, not going to lie it means a whole lot to us that they are coming out all the way from Seattle and Provo to armpit-of-America-Rexburg!

2) Last night after feeding Lils she totally barfed all over me, then sneezed a few times and did my favorite 'dud' sneeze as I like to call it, its so dang cute I cant stand it, made the whole barf thing worth it.

3) The final project runway is in 6 days and yeah, if you didn't know I LOVE that show. Any fellow watchers, Christian is by far my favorite, I want him to win.

4)So basically our families probably think we're crazy cause it has gone back and forth so many times, but officially we are going to do Lily's baby blessing in Bellingham! We are flying out the night the semester if over and are staying for about a week, SO excited to go to my home land:) full of granolas and rain, honestly I love it. We are blessing her April 13th. (that's b-ham in the pic)

5)For my b-day Chad got me 'The Office' seasons 1 and 3 (2 was sold out) and I have been watching them basically non-stop since he got them, I am obsessed with the office, I could watch it like, every day all day...oh wait...I am.

6)Next weekend I have planned a 'me' date, meaning Chad will have Lily and I am going to IF by my self (call me weird but I prefer to shop by myself, as well as work out) and spending my Christmas and b-day gift cards, I'm really wanting a wicked cute dress and shoes....possible cute work out clothes, all I got it soccer stuff...

7) This Sunday I am making Thanksgiving dinner, no reason at all, we bought the turkey forever ago and its time we feasted.

8)Chad is done applying to grad schools, its officially done, done with the GMAT, done done done. What does that mean? We get a lot more time together, we get to work out together everyday (even though I did say above I like working out alone, its still nice) and I get a few brakes from Lils now and then.

9)My nails are really long, AND all the same length...that doesn't happen often
there you go, if you're bored tag yourself.


jenn gent said...

We {heart} The Office too!!! Can't wait until it starts up again. Have fun shopping!

Janice said...

ooh, Haylee likes Jillian. She was not happy that Christian won so far:)

Joy Elizabeth Jackson said...

I need to go shopping, too. (Only for fat clothes instead of cute, skinny clothes like you will be getting.) But, I like to go with people. (Wink, Wink...) We should go...

Ryan, Sheena, and Riley said...

ok I am SOOO obsessed with the Office too! I watch them all the time except Ryan got me season two for Christmas so that is the one I have we should do a swap!