Monday, March 31, 2008


its how FHE sounds. Tonight for fahhee we went up to the soccer fields and kicked the ball around, even Lily got a few shots via the stroller:) mind you we had to trudge through snow to get on the field...not exaggerating. It just brought back many memories of the MANY games and practices from the past. I used to eat,breath and sleep soccer and loved every minute of it. I cant wait to be on a team again. I am hoping to join a league in San Diego, its too late for bham, so I have all summer to get in shape. So this is a blog of just my thoughts, really no point, just sharing my excitement:)

1 comment:

Holly said...

Did I tell you yet? I'm excited for you to go to Sand Diego! My brother Curt and his fam live there so I will definitely visit you when I am out that way--hopefully it will be relatively often! Also, congrats to Chad!