Friday, March 28, 2008

good morning!

What a good morning! Chad didn't need to be at work until 11 so we made some fresh hash browns, eggs, Lily even wanted to have some space from being held all morning so she enjoyed dancing to our Coldplay mix complements of Pandora on the couch:) Plus its sunny out...still well below freezing...but its sunny! And I have a lunch date with girlfriends, then Lily gets to meet her cousins Hayden and Kayla...its going to be a great day...Oh and to top it all off, its FRIDAY so the weekends here! Smiles all around!


April said...

I love this blog it's so positive! I just feel better now after reading it, I've been having the worst day ever!!!

Meredith said...

i'm so stoked for you guys to be here.... don't worry about the snow in the 'ham... there wasn't any. there is still plenty of snow here, but then again, we are a few feet higher in elevation and a few minutes north of there. i'm excited for girly dates and rationalizing ice cream cravings... mmmmm... i was thinking about vanilla ice cream (since the once beloved chocolate is off my nice list now) with graham crackers, marshmallows, and caramel sauce... maybe throw in a couple of peanut butter chips.

jenn gent said...

Lily is so cute! Yes, let's definitely get together... I would LOVE that.

PS Your breakfast sounds a lot better that the honey nut cheerios I had! :)

Ryan, Sheena, and Riley said...

Can I just say that there are only a handful of blogs that i read each day because my list is so long but I can always count on you for a good post so I say thank you for giving me something good to read everyday.