Sunday, April 6, 2008


Why is it so cute for her to have a double chin and rolls on her thighs and not me?


Johnny and Eirian said...

congratulations on the newest addition to your family! It's fun to be able to peek into your lives and see how you all are doing :)


Nicole said...

I'm so glad that I found your blog! I have been dying to see pictures of your cute baby! Quick Applebees glance doesn't count! I miss our adventures in the Mckay and hope everything is going well. Our blog is!

Carly said...

haha, it is SOOO true. babies get away with being chubbers, with drooling, pooping their pants and all sorts of other things that when i do them i get dirty looks.

A little Birdie... said...

She looks like shes in trouble in the second one :)

April said...

Adorable! I know, it's completly not fair. All of a sudden when I've lost all the baby weight everyone congratulates me on how good I look. What? I didn't look good before?! Guess what the compliments have stopped!!! haha

Nicole said...

We are headed to Pittsburgh for dental school in Aug. Just trying to work and stay ahead emotionally of the up and coming debt! I'm working at Tmobile. It kills me to be making min. wage with a bachelors! Here I come Pittsburgh. The cruise was the best . . . I'm just speechless when I talk about it! Haha, I'm so glad for your pointers bc they really saved us! How is being a mom and are you two in Oregon? What is chad doing?