Tuesday, July 1, 2008

the past few days...

Sunday was a B-E-A-U-tiful day like mid 80's (which is stinkn hot for bham). We both gave talks in church and I think they went well, and then I taught singing time in primary which was hilarious cause the kids all know songs that I dont...so basically it was them singing and me humming a long:)
Like I said earlier it was HOT out so after we laid in the sun at my parents we went to the marina. Chad, Niff and her BF Nolan and Scotty...and of course Lils and I all just made our selves at home in a nice shady spot, we even made Lils a little tent thingy to keep her out of the sun. For all of you in Bham, when its hot, go to the marina and for reals its like a 10 degree difference! Lils had been fussy all day and once we got there she was back to her happy babbling self.

SO the Booths (people we live below) are gone on vacation for a few weeks. And so we are left to care for the yard and Cody their sweet REALLY old golden retriever. He goes walking with me everyday and just hangs out with us. He is officially in LOVE with Chad, its hilarious, he will NOT sleep in his bed, he has to sleep next to Chad! So I'm thinkn Ill have to move his bed in here for tomorrow night, so he doesn't have to have the hard ground. (note how Chad is petting him, barely awake? new best friends i think)

oh and please dont judge our white trash bed and drawers...in a few years you will be jealous when we get all new cute stuff...in a few years.


Paul said...

We just got rid of our drawers like those and we still have the white trash bed. : ) I love summer in Bellingham, hopefully the weather is still nice when we finally make it up there.

Kelsey said...

sorry rach, i didn't know Paul used my computer. that was actually me, not Paul. :)

Carly said...

chad and cody sittin' in a tree...

oh and don't be ashamed of the drawers and bed... that's how you GOTTA live for awhile... man. ours are seriously sad. so don't think you're the only ones! in fact... we sleep on my parents old bed. it's like 40 years old. HAHAHAHAHA!

Jeremy Saunders said...

Ha! I know what beautiful weather we are having, I am in good spirits! I totally hear you about the singing time, I have to have the book in front of me, and look down at every verse! When I am teaching a new song, it's really like I am teaching myself the song!
Hope you all get well soon! It's miserable to be sick in such lovely weather!