Friday, July 25, 2008

Lils is .5 years old!!!

heres Lils at a few minutes old....

and here she is at 6 months! ah!!!

well tomorrow she is...but we are going to be moving all our stuff down to Salem all weekend so, no bloggy. So Lily is 6 months old tomorrow, can you believe it?? I cant. She is just growing like a weed and gets funnier and funnier everyday.
She also has a whole new bag of tricks: She can sit by her self, and stand (she loves to stand, even when she was like one month she loved it) she can hold herself up against the couch and chew on it...but then she might get a little excited and flail and then its all over. She has the cutest laugh possibly on the whole planet, I sit her on my knee and we bounce, apparently thats the funniest thing in the world.
She has also morphed from a squealer to a screecher. She sounds like we are beating her slowly and painfully when she does this. Its not her sad/mad/frustrated noise, its just her constant noise, or thinking hard noise, or if we are not looking at her enough, its how she gets our attention.She is a hard core rock and roller, always rolling around and scoots backwards pretty good, looks like a reverse army crawl. She also (when on her tummy) spins in circles. I think she will be crawling sooner than we are ready for. She grabs at everything and then examines it with her tongue. She still hates baby food, but we are persistent and shove it down 3 times a day. Loves to shower with us. Loves basically any grandpa figure. She is getting harder to put down, any advice on that? How long do we let her cry with out my heart breaking?
So there you have it. my little tiny baby girl, but isn't as little tiny as she used to be. we love her lots and are so excited for her to keep growing.


Brianne said...

She is getting so big! Good luck with the move. As far as crying goes, I almost hate to admit it, but we let Kaylin cry for 2 hours or so one night. I would go in and check on her to make sure she was okay, but that's it. She did that two nights in a row and after that she slept through the night. She was a little older than Lily, but not by too much. It was rough, but totally worth it in the end.

A little Birdie... said...

Ahhh she is too cute! Can't wait to see her in a few weeks! Hopefully Isaac will be over his little bout of the flu...yucky!

I didn't let Isaac cry himself to sleep until he was 7 1/2 months old. It killed me anytime I tried. But it was the best thing I ever did and he's slept better than ever. The first time I think he cried for an hour, and spit up once. But, spit up doesn't kill him and neither does crying!

kaitlyn said...

She is so dang adorable!!!! I think 6 months and up gets so much more fun, they start to imitate and do all sorts of crazy things. I love it!

As far as crying at night, I was against letting her cry it out for awhile, but then I realized that she had figured out that all she has to do is cry a little and I will nurse her everytime no matter what time of night it was... so around 8 months Blaine screamed bloody murder for about 1 1/2 hours. I held her, gave her water out of her sippy cup, sang, etc.... but eventually she realized i wasn't going to give it up and she passed out. The next night it was about 1/2 hour. Since then she has pretty much slept straight through. I PROMISE even though you remember it and feel bad in the morning they don't. You will figure out what's right for you! It's a fine balance.

I didn't realize you guys were moving already, I should have taken more opportunities to get to know you guys better before you left. Sorry. Ah, well we will always be blogging buddies :)
Sorry for the longest comment ever! And thanks for the compliment, that made my day.

Natasha Holmquist said...

I have fallen in love with her over the past couple weeks! she's ADORABLE!!!!! love you rach :)

Unknown said...

I can't believe it's that time for you to move already! Good luck with everything, I really do like Oregon as well. And Lily is adorable. I was never able to let my kids cry, so lots of sleepless nights, we still have a six year old climb in some nights...oh no advice from this mama.

Joy Elizabeth Jackson said...

She is so adorable! I can't believe you had her six months ago...We are all getting so old! I can't wait to see you guys again.

Alisha and Braeden said...

I can't believe she is 6 months already! She is to cute. Good luck moving!

A little Birdie... said...

Maybe you've seen it, maybe you haven't. But check out YOu'll love her!

Carly said...

those are adorable photos!!