Monday, July 7, 2008

visits from the past, 4th, making the bed with a bed bug.

Summer '04, first time we were all together Yesterday two of some of my best buds from the frosh year at BYUI came up and visited Chad and me! Jason(white t-shirt) and Drew(grey t-shirt) came up and spent the day with us. We went to boulevard park and ate good food, long boarded, played a good ol' fashion game of ultimate uno, the boys jumped off the falls and well all just laughed so hard we cried. I had SOOOO much fun that summer & fall semester, I was so blessed with amazing friends, who I plan on being friends with forever. We were up talking until midnight thirty and Jason made the point that there must have been divine intervention that we all ended up together, and I completely agree cause really, it was amazing.
This is 4th of July! It was super low-key which was fine cause Lily was still sick and Chad had work that morning and the next day at 4am. Nana got Lily a bumbo?(dont remember what its called) its that little chair thingy she is in to help her learn how to sit by herself better. She did pretty good, her favorite part though was munch'n on the side of it.
her new friend, the elephant.
going in for the kill.
Nana and Lils, she is still totally stuffed up here. Our friend Caleb said she sounded like a little Pug...and he totally nailed it. She is just slimy and snotty in this pic...kinda hard to tell though.
So we found a little bed bug in our bed! Chad was making our bed and would fling the comforter off her and she would just laugh and laugh. So fun! I seriously cant get enough of this girl.

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