Saturday, August 23, 2008

bitter sweet

So i started reading this book on Tuesday...and it was done on Thursday night:)
I really loved it, I know a lot of people thought it was medium-rare and different but I think I liked it cause it was different from others. I was basically freaking out the whole time and I think it ended great. Its just sad cause its the last one. Any one else finish it and wanna talk about it? Cause I do have a few questions, be nice to get some insight.
and Jess K, yes I do know I really disappoint you for liking these books.


Becca said...

I don't even know what to say, Rachel!! I was so disappointed. It just wasn't what I expected. I thought it was too long and that not much happened. I think it's weird that Jacob did...well you know what. I won't spoil it just in case somebody else hasn't read it or finished it. I don't was just weird. And I was a bit bored. I like the other books much better, even the 3rd book which is my least fave cuz Bella whines the whole book....I am happy for you guys and grad school. Tyler started this past week too. He teaches 2 psych classes as well as takes 16 credits so he is super busy. But I think he likes it so far. I am the 2nd counselor in the YW presidency here. I just got called so I think that'll be fun. We miss the west coast big time though. I am jealous you guys are in Washington. We like Kansas, but definitely miss the west (not to mention the fact that out west I don't have to worry about any tornado alarms going off). Lily sure is a cutie. She looks just like Chad.

Unknown said...

I too, really liked BD. I think it was the best yet. Probably b/c it's so different. If you wanna chat, let me know! Glad you enjoyed it! And good luck to Chad with grad school. Steve is just about to start his last term as a grad student! Woohoo!!

Brianne said...

That's funny b/c I started BD on Monday and finished on Wednesday morning. I liked it a lot, not quite as much as the others, but I still think it was good. I think she should write another one set 5-10 years down the road.

Becca said...

Have you heard of Midnight Sun? It is Twilight but told from Edward's point of view. The first chapter is up. It sounds so good!

A little Birdie... said...

I'm almost done and I will call you THE SECOND I finish. So far I am in love.

Ryan, Sheena, and Riley said...

I LOVED the book I thought it was the perfect ending. I thought she summed it up perfect. Some of her other books seemed to go on and on forever sbout certain things but this in my opinion was great. I love edward that much more. What questions did you have?? I miss you by the way...

Jeff, Traci and Kaden said...

I just finished the whole series in a week! I kept hearing everyone else talk about her books so I decided to give in.

I'll be honest, I enjoyed the last book because it gave everything a good ending, but I didnt think it was nearly as good as the other ones. The best one was Twilight.

I've been curious about what people think. I am WAY excited for Twilight to come out in the movies but do you think they'll be able to make movies out of the other ones? I really cant see it happening with the Breaking Dawn because there wasnt too much that happened.

Jessica Kettle said...

ugh. i love you anyway.