Friday, August 15, 2008

I am:

A) annoyed that it takes a minimum of about 10 years to download these pics onto the blog
B) SOOO hot, temperature wise...and some may say figuratively as well...
C)excited/nervous about being in a new place where I dont know anyone.
D) All of the above.

the correct answer is D. So obviously the comcast dude came and hooked us up with the glorious internet. What was life like with out the internet? strage. Dont know how we lived many years ago. Anywho, I was lame on the Sand Point trip cause I have about...2 pics from my camera...but my cousin who happens to be a photographer DID take some pics and so I so lovingly stole them all from her. She did a little photo shoot with Lils actually, check out a little sneak peak on her blog, shes in my fellow bloggers and is 'Jess the Photog'

This is Lils and I on the boat, as you can see, she is thrilled to be out there:) and LOVEing the life-jacket:)  Dont worry I'll post more later...when I am not about to chuck the computer at the wall.


kaitlyn said...

Good thing you got the internet back up, i die without mine too.

Looks like you had fun on your vacay, which by the way i totally snuck onto that other blog and saw the sneak peek, I would pretty much KILL to have her take pictures of Blaine and us. She does sooooo amazing. As a matter of fact, when we go visit my grandparents next in utah i need to look her up/book her, SHE IS AMAZING! the best i have ever seen.

Anyway, good luck with your new town and new life!


Southern Belle said...

whoa she looks exactly like chad in this pic!!