Monday, October 6, 2008


If you do recall, a few posts ago I told the tail of our file cabinet from the dirty cat lady. To continue that story, not only was it dirty, it does NOT fit normal files! Letter or Legal, yeah talk about a heart dropping moment. I was honestly excited to organize and I could not.
So Chad and I were going over budget stuff and really we did not have room for a new file cabinet this month. Frustrating.
THEN a few minutes ago I was laying in bed with my sleeping baby looking at our messy computer desk and it's surroundings wishing I had a lovely file cabinet. Just then, our door was knocked upon and I debated pretending I didn't hear it but I eventually went down stairs. It was Pat our manager. It went like this:
Pat: Did you throw away that file cabinet I saw sitting out side your door?
Me:No...ours is upstairs (waisting space, being an eye-sore)
Pat:Oh, well there is one in the dumpster.
Me:...What does it look like?
Pat then proceed to help me dumpster dive and get this little jewel:
My wish came true!
So the other nasty, eye sore, waste of metal is not so much a waste any more and it will now house my crafty stuff! YAY!


Carly said...

YAY!! We need a filing cabinet too, but I'm not that lucky! :)

ThE RaSmUsSeN's said...

Hey do you want to come to my place a wish for a new car for this apartment occupants?

Jeremy Saunders said...

Hey, we have stacks in our office, we are also in search of a filing cabinet! Yeah for you for getting one! Isn't it amazing that Heavenly Father will even answer the smallest, most inconsequential desires of our hearts ?! Proof He truly is watching over us and loves us more than we can comprehend!

Sarah said...

I love how prayers are answered!