Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tuesdays numbers:

{Yesterday morning, talking to her jammies}
Lily: 2 Ear infections, 1 cold.

Fred Meyer: Idiots.

They STILL do NOT have her prescription in...I have gone back TWICE to pick up her antibiotics and ear numbing stuff and they say;

"oh, yeah we have about another hour."

Didn't you say that two hours ago!?

Me:Momma bear instincts are starting to surface.

Lily is acting fine, she is too easy. Laughing, playing and sleeping as we speak. The only way I could tell she had any type of ear problem was last night she laid her head on the ground for a few seconds while crawling...funny how moms pick up on little things.

1 comment:

Becca said...

Camden is the same way when he is sick. Except for a few little things, you would never know when he has an ear infection. In fact, when he is sick and I take him to the doctor, he sits there and giggles and smiles at the nurses. I say to the nurse "he actually is sick..." she sure is a cutie. She's growing up too fast.