We have a rule in our house: NEVER buy ice cream.
Here is the reason why:
All of our moms were right, it does spoil your dinner.
Our conversation while eating our appetizer included sentences such as:
"we are such fatties"-Chad
"I know, but its so tasty."-Me
"Ya know? I am really glad I have a gym membership and that we got you one too."-Chad
"Amen, I think I'll be going there tonight actually."-Me
on a healthier note,
on a healthier note,
We celebrated by swinging.
That's a new one! I'm a firm disbeliever in bowls for icecream. I rarely use one, unless I'm being polite and feel like sharing! Oh, and only ever use a fork with ice cream. But I've never put the toppings directly IN the carton...hmmm...have you heard how our fam and Chad's have a history of doing ice cream for FHE? Saran wrap and a big table. No bowls. Maybe we had utensils. But maybe not. Can't remember clearly. But it was a blast putting the toppings and all that directly on the table! Our moms were a freaking hoot together in their hayday!
I can't believe it... are those TEETH in Lily's mouth?!! What is going on here, wasn't she just born like a month ago. Oh wait, no it was definitely MUCH longer than a month ago. Anyway, Can't wait to see how much she's grown... and of course to see her Mommy and Daddy too. Love you!!
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