Saturday, December 13, 2008


Yesterday Chad finished his last final of his first semester in graduate school. I am so proud of him, he works so hard for our family and our future.
Of course I found it reason to celebrate. {any excuse to make a cake, please}
He came home to this little tasty:
all from scratch:yellow butter cake. With chocolate cream cheese frosting, I dare you.

I cut some grocery bags open and made a 'banner' I wrote all sorts of note on there for him {grad school=budget banners}. I told him how proud we are, and wrote some memories down too. Most important I wrote a list of all the fun things we can together during his break:)
after the cake, poster and a much needed nap we made lasagna while watching "A League of Their Own'' for the dinner that night. We went to a guy in Chad's class frat and had a dinner with some of his class mates. And yes, Lily was adored beyond repair.

1 comment:

Tif said...

Yay Chad!

Oh, and just so you know...that cake you brought over, I really did think it was from scratch-it was that good!