Wednesday, December 3, 2008


As I was carrying my sweet baby girl up stairs for her morning nap today, I couldn't help but smile as I thought: 'Heavenly Father sure knows what He's doing.'
The whole concept of a family is just wonderful don't you think?:
You find someone that completes you, that you love beyond words, who is also your best friend. You then get sealed together, and when I say sealed I mean, not only are we married but we are together forever, and when I say forever, I mean forever.
How perfect!
Its amazing how it gets even better! God entrusts in you with the power to bring another child of His into the world. That child is part you, part your love, and is from God. Its just so amazing.
Talk about a perfect plan.
I know I have been taught this my whole life, but you know how sometimes things just 'hit' you? This morning was that morning. There is even a mushy message on Chad's phone to prove it:)
Now, lets all go and celebrate this perfect plan by making perfect ravioli for dinner! {I'll post the recipe on the recipe blog}


Jeremy Saunders said...

i just love your family picture, so beautiful, I wish your photog was around, but I probably can't afford her.
PS this year's theme in primary is all about family. very cool.

Johnny and Eirian said...

you are such a beautiful family- these pictures are fantastic!

Jessica Kettle said...

you guys are so gorgeous. these ones were some of my favs! Such a sweet post. =)love ya

April said...

I can't waite to see you for Christmas, please come to your parents ward!