Friday, June 5, 2009

here ya go:

me: few days shy of 23 weeks with a few chins and saying "uh-ohhhhhh"
Lily: trying to get into the cabinet saying "uh-ohhhhhh"
a few months ago we unplugged our little freezer (and sanitized it), and recently made it the toy bin.
Lily loves to just sit in there and talk to her friends: froggy, bunny, doggy, and kitty.
{one of these days I'll have a camera that allows for un-blurryness}
she will eventually find a toy she wants to walk around with and asks to get out.
Yesterday at the doctors, Lily was sitting reading a book on a chair when the nurse walked.
In one look at Lils, she started laughing:
"She gives you a run for your money doesn't she? I can see it in those eyes."
I laughed pretty hard, is it THAT obvious? She is feisty, but oh man, wouldn't have it any other way.


Natasha Holmquist said...

You look great Rach! I love that belly :)

Katy said...

Tasha's right, you look great! Always so stylish. Your blog always cracks me up!

Joy Elizabeth Jackson said...

I love your baby bump! It's so cute! And your hair is so long and healthy looking. I want to rub it...hehe.

the jensen's said...

Ah! That makes me nervous! What if the door closed while she was in there? Sorry, I am a freaky mom sometimes. You are looking hot by the way, Rach. Why can't I look that cute pregnant?!