Thursday, November 12, 2009

these shoes were made for

Running. And that's just what we do.
Up to four miles now.
Lately we have been going to Minto Brown park, but today we went to Bush for a shorter run.
I want you to notice three things in this picture:
2)painted finger nails
-The bink. She doesn't want one unless she sees one, she has always been that way. And now that Eden has one...she wants one. I love it actually, cause grocery shopping or on a run it keeps her good. Thanks to you bink we hear a lot less yelling and "out?!?!"
-She and I painted our toes and fingers this morning at 5:45. She loves it. Its very "pee" (pretty).
-This is the scary baby we got for free at the dry cleaners. She adores it though, one of those babies only a mother could love.
Then it was swing time.
She and I like it when I push really hard and she goes so high she looks like she is going to fall out. You should hear how hard she laughs, its the sweetest music I will ever hear. Notice bebe being held on for dear life? Motherly instincts.

Then we came home and had oatmeal again. I added gingerbread coffee creamer this time...oooh baby its love.


A little Birdie... said...

YOu are just an amazing mom. Thats all there is to it!

Gena said...

I cannot even believe you are up to four miles! You're amazing!! I couldn't even run four miles right now, let alone just a month after having a baby!