Friday, February 19, 2010

3:02 am birds-eye-view

{I basically am a graphic artist in my spare time. Can't you tell?}

I woke up at 3:02 this morning and this is what our bed looked like. I remember thinking:
What?How did Lils get in here?
Eden is STILL eating? (nurse laying down...i get sleep that way.)
Then woke up a few hours later with a sore back, but two very happy kids.


Erin_C said...

oh i love the nurse lying down trick. figured it out when carly was like a month old and wondered what took be so long . . .

Vashti said...

Nursing laying down is totally the ticket for night time feedings! Plus if Bianca gets up a little too early I can just nurse her in bed and we both sleep until the toddler wakes up.
Olivia is still "caged" in her crib so we don't have to worry about her getting into our bed. Luckily she isn't very gymnastical so she will probably be in a crib til we decide to switch her!