Thursday, February 18, 2010

I need your help people. (with post edit)

this cool cat had a eye doc appointment today.
she had to get the stingy eye drops in that dilate your eyes and to put it gently, it was awful. not only did we have to hold her down, but we had to force her eyes open. awful.

so turns out she indeed needs glasses. at least until she is nine. yeah. i know. sad!

we picked out the least ugly pair, yet still very very ugly.

so i am asking, actually begging, can any one lead me to come cute frames for this girl????

Post Edit-
reason we had her checked out in the first place: Her left eye has been crossing when she get tired (like THIS kid). The doc said that had we not got this fixed now, the brain is likely to 'turn off' the weak eye. SO people, if your kids have crazy eyes, get them checked!


jenn gent said...

My cousins get their glasses from here:

I don't know what they have for little kiddos but they are super cheap so it may be worth trying out.

Tyler Haas said...

Lucy has to get her eyes dialated every 6 months because of her Arthritis... NOT FUN! poor Lily... Although I think little kids with glasses are super cute!

Becca said...

I bet Lily will be super cute. How did you know you needed to take her to the eye doc? Just routine?

Rachel Ashmore said...

poor thing. I am curious too. How did you suspect in the first place? She's so young!

Carly said...

ok what was your tip off because we've been wondering with stella but it's like- how do you KNOW?!

ok also we have a way good friend that does eye glasses and he has the freakin' cutest ones! his little girls have way cute glasses. let me find out from him if there are sites you can see the frames on and then order through him. he's been the cheapest we've worked with too. :)

Mrs. Spencer said...

You don't know me (I'm a shameless blog stalker-- found you via Sarah Youngberg's blog)... but I do have some advice. I work in an eye clinic, and do not recommend buying glasses online, especially for a child. I know it's much less expensive, but it's important to have an actual person measure her for the frames. Also, children usually require frequent re-adjustments to their frames, which is why you should become acquainted with a local optician (person who dispenses glasses). To get the most bang for your buck, I'd recommend Costco. They're reasonably priced, and are good about doing repairs and adjustments. Hope this helps! Good luck! :)

Jeremy Saunders said...

mrs. spencer had good advice. Also, I don't think you should be concerned, lily is cute now and will be even cuter with glasses. I just hope you can keep them on her! Sorry you have to go through this as a mom! It's tough being a mom!

kaitlyn said...

costco has a decent selection and pretty cheap. i don't know about kids glasses... bummer, girl!

sarah said...

kids with glasses are the cutest! i have often thought if elliot wore glasses i'd get him the root beer solo bambini ones.

Me and My Boys said...

We just found out London needed some as well. and like Jeremy said, its really most important fit and size are correct.

Melissa said...

Emily has had glasses since she was 2!!
She has the same problem.. we actually go see the specialist at the Children's Hospital in seattle to get her eyes checked. We were going to the eye doctor up here, and they are a lot more thorough (and got her the right prescription) at the Children's Hospital.
a few things i've learned about glasses with kids..
1. the glasses with the bend around ear pieces don't work so well.. And break REALLY easily.
2. We just recently started using the strap to go around her head to keep her glasses on, works amazingly!
3. The glasses we really want to get her (but our insurance doesn't cover it and they are kind of expensive) are the unbreakable plastic ones.. if you don't have insurance that will cover any other pair, i'd go with them.. sadly our insurance covers a ton, but not these.. So we go through about 6 pairs a year... glasses break easily!

April said...

It is tough being a mom. There should be a rule that mom's shouldn't have unexpected things happen like sickness, hospital visits,glasses, asthma, colic, acid reflux etc. We have too much to deal with already!
Good luck finding some cute glasses for Kitty!

Brooke said...

Rach, my sister's little boy had the exact same thing. The thing that seemed to help him most was wearing an eye patch over the strong eye for a couple of hours a day. Did the doc mention anything about that? I'll ask my sister where she got her son's glasses. They are pretty cute, and I know she got them here in Salem.

Jennifer Miller said...

I am a sucker for kids in glasses. I secretly want one of my little ones to have glasses...What kind of mother would wish for something like that?