Friday, February 5, 2010


I literally spend most of my day here.
On this rad road rug (say that 5 times fast) building 'houses'.

We build a three story home complete with 2 slides for: titty, gahggie, zeep and cow (kitty, doggie, sheep, and cow).
The kitty and doggie kiss a LOT. They are besties.
Making out on such high structures sometimes it gets a little dangerous:

Me: Oh no! Kitty fell, I think she has a tension pneumothorax! Quick, palpate her chest, is she bloated? Is her trachea deviated?
Lily: Uh-oh! (holding doggie up to kitty) Titty! Oh no!
Me: Quick doggie, better give her kisses!

I will then walk Lily through treatment of a tension pnuemothorax and various other injuries that incur during our hours of block time.

It helps me remember stuff form my old job, remember?

She loves the blocks. She literally sleeps with some tucked under her arm along with kitty.
While we build and treat injuries this little one works on being extremely delicious and rolling over.
She is SO close!


Megan Marie said...

That last picture of Eden melted my heart!

You are so fun. I took your advice and went to the pet store with the boys. They LOVED it. So thanks. :)

Janice said...

you are such a GREAT MOM! I admire you, I really do. And your children couldn't be cuter!!!