Tuesday, June 22, 2010

feast and five words.

we are blessed with my favorite berry growing
like crazy in our bungalow's back yard.
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we went for a walk in the muggyness of Oregon in June
and came home to feast
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Lily mostly ripped petals off of the roses,
Eden mostly pulled/sucked on my hair,
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and Chad and I did the hunting/taking turns giving Lils pushes.
{pictures from my iphone}

Most of the day, Chad and I have been somewhat quiet, somewhat anxious about our whole situation. We know that we are going to be ok, but its hard not to let the mind run off you know?
Tell me I'm not alone on this one.
Right before we left on our walk we got a reminder that we are in the Lord's hands (once again, does God get tired of telling me the same thing over and over?). I am calm again. All will be well. Patience is a virtue that apparently we need to work on.

so I guess if I could only say five words
to the world today, they would be these:
He is aware. Don't worry.


Andrea said...

Your "situation" post hit me hard! We are in the same boat and it's amazing how perfectly happy we are. We know that Heavenly Father is watching out for us and we really are enjoying every minute of being together... and yet, how terrified I sometimes feel and the doubt that sometimes tries to make itself apparent. I've never felt so humbled and so vulnerable and so strong and faithful. All at the same time!
I've concluded that Satan knows that our family is strong and eternal and he also knows that it will not be my husbands job/no job that will destroy us. It will be the way we handle stressful situations. Especially us as women. Our husbands rely so heavily on the way we perceive life and they so need us to be positive. I've learned that mom's mood sets the whole tone and therefore my cup needs to be full (at most times). So, with that, we doubled our temple attendance and decided that we will not give in! There is no room for negative thoughts and we are way to blessed.
You are a strong woman. I've been thankful for you blog posts on many occasions. Thanks for being human.
Take care.

Becca said...

We are in a very similar boat to you, as well, Rach. Tyler is "working" (unpaid, mind you) at his internship full time. While I'm at home with the 2 kiddos. His internship finishes the end of July and we have no job. We've applied to many and...haven't had any luck so far. It is hard not to let your mind wander, however, I figure that worrying does no good and we have no choice but for everything to be okay...right?? I hope anyways!!