Sunday, July 25, 2010


{Let me precursor this by saying: one of my biggest blog-pet-peeves is when girls blog about their weight, or how they feel they are an exception to the rules of a balanced diet and act confused when they have gotten bigger. I mean really, it makes us all feel awkward and really...we don't care.}

So over the past couple months I have gained weight.
I don't even know how much because I have chosen to not even weigh myself for a while.
I know exactly why I have, too. I started neglecting myself by not watching/caring what I put in my body.

I feel uncomfortable, and my pants are slightly tighter, and I heard an old lady at church ask my mother-in-law if I was expecting. I'm hoping the last comment was because I had a flowy dress on, but still.

I have got to thinking, in the past I would get really frustrated, or try and blame others or circumstances or random things on MY weight (makes NO sense).

But the thing about weight is:
  • It IS your fault.
  • Only YOU can fix it.
  • And the best part, you CAN lose it

So I have chosen to take a different route on this. I am not mad at myself, or trying to blame, because with each bite of cake, I knew exactly what the outcome would be.

  • I remember that tomorrow is a new day
  • I'm human
  • things like this stuff takes time
  • I do not to compare myself to others or my self (pre-baby)
So yay for new tomorrows and yay for being healthy-er!

I am NOT looking for compliments or anything like that, just wanted to share my thoughts I guess.

Sorry if you have blogged about your weight and I offended you with my first comment.


Carly said...

haha i love it! this is exactly how i've been feeling this week. it is what it is, time to be healthy. :) keep up the good work & positive attitude- we have daughters that need positive examples when it comes to things like weight and self image... taking this approach is the way to go, for you AND your girls! :)

Holly said...

I know you don't know me...I actually went to Elementary school and beyond with your hubby Chad...anyways...I must say that I love your blog... I read it whenever I can! Thanks for writing this blog, it really hit a cord with me :0)