Thursday, September 16, 2010


Typical Eden.
Always cop'n a feelski.


Carly said...

HAHA love it

Southern Belle said...

Cheyenne still does that! She is almost 2! It is only when she is tired and wants to snuggle but she just rests her little hands between my boobs, it must be warm in there or something! haha... I am wondering if she will just stop or at what point I need to stop it myself... it is just so sweet...

Vashti said...

So awesome!! It's weird how that can be so second nature to you. But then you go out in public and then people are looking at you a little funny and you are all like "what is your problem" and then a split second too late you realize your kids inadvertantly half undressed you.
All the funny things that happen to you when you are a mom!