Thursday, February 10, 2011

fast forward

I read THIS OLD POST I wrote a while ago. It made me happy to read that and look back, I remember thinking then, 'I wish I could fast forward 6 months and know I will be ok'.

Change is hard. Unknowns are hard.
Just this week alone we found out: we are losing a dear aunt in a matter of days, my grandpa's health is spiraling, and Chad was told: you are being transferred, to Louisiana, in three days! You might be laid off! Wait, never mind!...but maybe in a few weeks....???? Hours have been cut drastically and we have been trying to cut costs in every avenue, we keep trying to move to a cheaper place but every time we get close, it falls through...

I have a feeling I am not the only one out there dealing with stuff like this. If that's you, how are you hon? Lets have an Internet hug, and I'll make you pancakes.
(a few days after I wrote that post, back in May)
This week I found myself telling myself, and others again: "I just wish I could fast forward 6 months and know it will be ok." That's probably the stupidest thing to think and say. 
I don't need to fast forward six months to know it will be ok. I mean, have you ever looked back on your life and thought:"I wish I would have worried more"? No, you probably wish for the opposite.
If I had had my wish back in May and really skipped those six months, I would have missed out on some the of the happiest memories I have, missed out on my kids and husband, having adventures, being lazy, making friends, making food.... I mean, look how happy it was just a few days after I wrote that .
Things always work out. I may not know what life will be like for us in a month, but I do know that it will be good. There are unknowns, but not uncertainty. 

Need some motivation? Watch this video, I cry ev.ry.time.


Carly said...

HUG! haha so there right now. :)

Unknown said...

I love this post. I always think can't I just fast forward the next 5 YEARS! but then I think I would miss out on some of the best moments in my life. I like how you said you don't look back and think I wish I worried more, you think the opposite. and I'm really working on that. I worry way too much sometimes. but things work out in the end how they are supposed to. I am realizing that money is the cause of most of my stress and worry. Neither my husband or I have a job and I have been trying to find one but can't. One day I am thinking it will all be okay and the next I am having a meltdown thinking we can't spend another penny! Your post was inspirational for me not to have those melt downs, to enjoy the moment and realize it will all work out in the end. thank you.

Becca said...

We definitely know how you feel. We felt this way especially a year ago. This talk helped us tremendously:

I'm not saying you're being impatient, but it was what we needed last year.

k said...

i'm loving your outlook it.

Me said...

OMG! I think the exact same thing ALL THE TIME! that I just want to fast forward and know that ill be fine. But youre totally right... I love what you have written. :)