Friday, February 18, 2011


Not to rub it in some more, butitwasinthehigh70'stoday.
Let me tell you, it was amazing.
We went for a little hike. We have decided we want to be a hiking family.
Being outside, being active, and being together is pretty much awesome.
we packed about a months worth of snacks.
Do you like my tie-dye? Makes me feel like I'm back at home.
towards the end of out adventure, Lils would only get off of Chad's shoulders to cross "THE TROLL BRIDGE!!!!!". 
Throwing stuff into water. We seriously could have done that all day. Two kids may have had major freak-outs when it was time to leave. 
It was great to wear out the girls and get some sun on our cheeks.
...Speaking of cheeks, don't be jealous, but I can totally pee in the woods whilst having a baby in my backpack. While keeping my socks totally dry. Skillz.


Diana Smith said...

That looks so fun! I am glad you are taking advantage of that gorgeous warm weather!! Yes, love the tie dye!

The Smith Circle

Unknown said...

great photos and it use to be warm then BAM snow. ick *inserted frowning face here*

Haley said...

What a fun adventure!! Loved all the photos, and most definitely the tie-die shirt :) I'll be headed to Vancouver in March and I'm SO looking forward to some hikes with little Brooks in-tow on my back! And doing your duty with your little one on your back...mad skill fo sho ;)

Megan Marie said...

jealous. love it.

{jane} said...

temperatures in the what degrees???

uggh. we woke up to 4 new inches of snow & i have serious winter blues. this week i am going to make an "inspiration" board right on my bathroom mirror, like i did in h.s. to get motivated for warm weather that WILL eventually get here...

beautiful photos.