Monday, February 14, 2011

impromptu Valentines dinner party

Late this afternoon I was talking to our neighbor and we decided to join forces for dinner tonight, then a little bit later I invited another family over...then I started thinking, "how could I make this more fun?".
We moved the table outside between two trees, threw on my go-to red and white stripe fabric, hung pink and purple Christmas lights up above the table, with a string of hearts along with it, I cut out some felt heart pins for all of us, a valentine for each, and SHAZAM!  
A little more fun than just dinner with friends.

Heart-shaped home made BBQ pizza, homemade cheese cake (we made cookie dough crust! sqeeeeeeeel!!) IBC black cherry soda, 70 degree weather, new and old friends, and the moon light. Probably one of my favorite Valentines day yet.

...Anyone else eat their weight in sugar today? I mean, not that I would do such a thing, just asking...


Celeste said...

May I please be your neighbor?

Diana Smith said...

This is cute! I wish I could have gone!! Plus 70 degree weather, my heck that is perfect! Love the heart shaped pizzas and the purple lights, looks like an amazing evening!

Haley said...

oh know how to ROCK anything impromptu!! (i still remember your little unbirthday party, loved it:) Looks like you had a LOVELY Valentine's picnic...loved the heart pizza, the lights, the table cloth...hope you're family had the best Valentine's with lots of hugs and kisses! (with you as their mom/wife, i'm sure they did!)

Kelli said...

you are adorable! i found your blog on jessica kettle's. too cute.
i especially love your dresses, i'm assuming you buy at a thrift store and turn them into the cutest dresses ever. go you! i want to learn!
i'll be checking back regularly!

Megan Marie said...

so awesome. so so awesome. can we have warm weather now, please, so i can copy you?