Tuesday, February 22, 2011

typical tuesday: Susan Petersen of Freshly Picked

Today's "Typical Tuesday" is from someone pretty well known in the blog world, Susan Petersen from Freshly Picked
She is a sewing genius, check out her tutorials, remember I've made her skirts before? She also makes and sells the most perfect moccasins on the planet, like, the Kardashian's baby rocks them. See, I told you, she's a big deal, and a genius. Now you see why when I got her email I was kinda really super excited.

Here is a glimpse into a typical tuesday for Susan:
A typical Tuesday starts out around 7:30. We eat a low impact (read:as little work as possible for mom) breakie of greek yogurt + blueberries.

Then we do our chores. Vacuum, sweep, make the beds...

and clean the studio, we don't believe in windex, obvi.

My intern turned employee, Cami comes around 9:30. She lays down the hammer + plays with Gus. But not before we bang out about 20 pairs of moccys.

After Cami leaves the kids + I eat an exciting lunch of hot dogs + salad. Then, I do the dishes. We do not have a dishwasher in our current rental. I'm surprised at how much I enjoy washing dishes by hand.

We make rolls for dinner.

And have a very successful thrifting trip.

Hattie changes her clothes for the 9th time + both kiddies run around their room before Gus takes a nap.

After his nap, we take a walk around the block. Hattie in a new outfit + Gus pushing his bike so the big kids will think that he can ride it, he just chooses not to.

While we wait for Chris to get home, the kids watch videos of their friends on the computer.
Then Chris comes home + it is a whirlwind of dinner - clam chowder + rolls, baths, books + bed.

Thanks for having me!

Do you want to share a typical tuesday? 
email me K?


Carly said...

so fun!!!
i am LOVING this Rach!! ;)

Megan Marie said...

it's really neat to peak into lives for a day! Thanks for sharing!

Diana Smith said...

What a fun day!! I love the moccasins she makes. I really think I will get Olivia a pair!

Jessica Kettle said...

love this rach! freshly picked is such a fun blog, and the moccasins are to die for. her kids room is darling!

Teresa said...

Your "typical tuesday" idea is a great one!

Weren't those the coolest looking rolls? If you want to do a tutuorial on how to make them look all knotty like that, I wouldn't mind. :-)

Meghan said...

This is awesome. i love freshly picked.

{jane} said...

darling. susan is such a talented friend + i really want to follow her around one of these days, how she manages to do ALL that she does - i will never know.


Eva / Sycamore Street Press said...

what a fun peek into Susan's day! thanks for sharing.