Wednesday, March 23, 2011

best wednesday ever.

Another warm sunny day in NC awaits us.
I think this calls for:
windows open,
backyard picnic,
smelling the flowers...well whats left of them...Lily "collects" them,
chocolate cupcakes,
and getting really dirty from playing outside.


team cowan said...

I really think you and Emma are trying to kill me. Our weather has gone from dreary, to bright and sunny, to ridiculously windy, to crazy hail, and back to bright and sunny.... all in one day. It kinda makes me want to punch someone in the face.

team cowan said...

On a happier note - those pictures are dreamy. I bet your girls love playing there. The light coming in makes me want to curl up like a dog and lay in the sunshine all day.

Candace said...

Yaya for warm weather! And backyard picnic sounds darling. Also, I just gave you an award over at my blog, go check it out!! :)

Diana Smith said...

These pictures are so fun!! Pretty!

Janice said...

I'm so jealous! So sick of the rain and gloom here! I love your red door. A perfect backdrop for those cute little faces of your girls!

Ashley {hudson's happenings} said...

Sounds like the MOST perfect day. :) I love these sweet pictures. Enjoy that SUNSHINE! oh and the cupcakes, too....yumm!

Emma said...

warm weather...yummmmm. Sorry to miss out on cupcakes- bummer. We'll get together soon and make Katie more jealous :). Muaahhaahahah!

ez-jess said...

oh stop it! your girls are just so adorable playing together, what beautiful photos. You make me so excited about having kids one day!

Laura said...

That sounds soooo lovely :)

paddle to shore said...

aw. these are gorgeous

Haley said...

love the photos! what sweet memories of such darling sisters :) Glad you had such an fantastic Wednesday!