Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I could have kissed my doctor today.
I am officially OFF OF BED REST!!!
Apparently, my whole situation really wasn't that big of a deal,  and the doc at the hospital Sunday night was a little overly cautious.
I wanted to cry, I was so happy to hear these words.
Yeah, I know, I won't go running a marathon any time soon...or mop my floor for that matter.
But now I can help pick up, switch the laundry, maybe make some dinner? Oh I can't wait.
I also get to start working on some more projects:
That's our car last week, the girls got big-big-girl beds! 
So I definitely have new bedding to sew, Chad is refinishing the floors this weekend and then the list goes on from there.
Pretty pumped.
Yay for being able to walk  waddle around the house again!


Tif said...

You're like 35 weeks, right? I know so many women who walk around 3-5cm dilated for the last 5-6 weeks of their pregnancy, PLUS most hospitals won't stop labor after 35 weeks anyhow because the risks of the meds to stop it at that point outweigh the risks of a baby being born at that point.

Anywho-YAY for being free from the bed! I know how good that feels ;)

And can't wait to see pictures of the bedding you're going to whip up!

Anonymous said...

Hah, just noticed, 2 of our neighbors while we had a Subaru now own Subarus! Good cars, them is.

-Daniel Creviston